Welcome! Here, you'll find my Mentoring Sessions , One-On-One RetreatsCoursesPodcast, and Books. As well, I explore Magical and Medicinal Mushrooms and other subjects dear to my heart from my years of exploration and study - Celtic myth and the Faerie realms, Depth Work with the Psyche, Suppressed and so-called, "Alternative" Healing Modalities, Ancestral Wisdom, Natural and Equity Law, the Trivium and the Logical Fallacies. This is my portal through which I will share the knowledge and wisdom I have accrued over the course of my life and especially for the past 13 years as apprentice to the mushroom teachers, who offer guidance through Poetic Transmissions and other means for these challenging times. I hope there will be some gems here for you to discover.

One-on-One Retreats

A Deep Dive Into Wholeness

This one-on-one immersion is a deep dive into the mystery and majesty of you.

 This offering is for someone who is ready to heal, unfold, and deepen in ways not easily experienced through conventional methods.  The entire immersion is devoted to YOU and will focus on exactly what you are endeavoring to heal/address/cultivate/discover.


“Shonagh, your newsletters are not short and each time (no matter how long my “to do” list is at the time) I find myself reading them all the way to the end. Thank you so much for the work you are doing here. I am truly and deeply grateful for you!!”   Love, Becca