This one-on-one immersion is a deep dive into the mystery and majesty of you. This is for someone who is ready to heal, unfold, and deepen through a unique experience that weaves the psychotherapeutic, the mystical and the intelligences of nature, delivering a life-changing experience that will carry you forward in profound ways. The entire immersion is devoted to YOU and will focus on exactly what you are endeavoring to heal/address/cultivate/discover.
Our time together will consist of rich explorations into the layers of the psyche to uncover the patterns that have been determining your experiences. We will turn over every stone through various modalities, utilizing both the mystical and the practical. You will be nurtured with delicious food while you bask in the peace and beauty of your surroundings. This is a powerful, activating experience that is not to be underestimated.
Airport pick-up and drop-off is available if needed. You arrive Sunday afternoon and depart Friday morning. Our work together will be recorded, enabling you to call back the magic very palpably.
For a full description, email me at:
Such gratitude for the launch back into life that you provided me in such a safe space under your healing care and wisdom! What an incredible container you have created! Extremely grateful for your work, Shonagh!
Much love,
Brooke L, San Francisco
I was introduced to Shonagh Home through the Magical Egypt podcast, and after listening to her experience with the medicine teachers, I knew that I needed to schedule a retreat with her.
I had an intensely abusive childhood that consisted of physical, mental, sexual, and spiritual abuse. This left me with a diagnosis of C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Throughout my adulthood I have struggled to find the right therapy/medicine, and traditional western therapy came up short. My coping mechanism became a scorching case of hyper-responsibility, where I prioritized everyone and everything else ahead of myself.
My refuge was my relationship with plants, animals, and an intense study in esoteric philosophy. In my early forties, I stumbled upon the plant medicines and their call was undeniable.
Some wounds need tending by someone who has not only walked the path, but has dedicated their life to service in helping their fellow man. That is what I experienced in my retreat with Shonagh. Maybe the only week in my entire life that was dedicated fully to me. No responsibilities, no making sure everyone else was taken care of, no distractions. Only myself, my guide, and her medicine. This was exactly the space I needed to heal, have a chance to ponder my own life & purpose, and re-prioritize my future. With Shonagh’s sage wisdom and intuitive guidance throughout my experience, and her warm attentiveness, I felt wrapped in love.
I knew that my future somehow lay in this sacred work as well. I just couldn’t formulate a complete vision without a break from my current circumstances. We sat at her kitchen table eating her wonderfully crafted meals, and I was finally able to get very clear on that vision with her assistance.
Middle age often means crisis, but to paraphrase Brene Brown, in actuality it is the universes’ call to action to use the gifts you have been given. I needed space to get clarity, healing, and a full knowingness of exactly how to start doing that. I am well on my way as a result of the time spent with Shonagh. Stay tuned.
Gianna L., Colorado
Thank you, dear Shonagh, for another life-changing retreat! Each week I’ve spent with you has been a godsend and I can say truthfully that the circumstances of my life are finally changing for the better. I did get that promotion after all, but there is no way I would have had the confidence without your help. The journeys this go-around really opened my eyes, and your tender care in that space still touches me today. I am holding that wisdom and love you’ve so generously given me, and the puzzle pieces are coming together. You are a born teacher and I will be back to your cottage this time next year!
All my love,
Lauren, Idaho
Shonagh, I cannot fully express my gratitude for our time together. It is such a comfort to be reassured that all is well and moving in the direction of grace. I am eternally grateful for the safe holding space you provide with such attentive care, for being seen fully and clearly, and guided by the wisdom you hold. Much love and deep gratitude for you, sister!
Annalise R., Boston
Shonagh, thank you again for an absolutely life-changing time, I feel reborn down to my cells! I am already looking at my schedule for next year to return to your lovely home for more exploration. I am still sifting through that second journey but our conversations gave me good insight into a deeper understanding of my young parts. My anxiety has reduced markedly since I got home and I’m utilizing every tool you gave me, including the supplements and tinctures. You are a true guide, teacher and medicine woman and someday I would love to apprentice with you. One step at a time though! Thank you for being who you are, dear Shonagh!
Emma S., New York, NY
Time with Shonagh was just what I needed to get to the next level of authenticity and alignment in my life and healing. It’s an incredibly powerful and nurturing container that she creates. She makes it possible to walk into the deep, dark, sticky places that are hard to access on your own and with the stress of life. She supports you to gain a grater vantage point on what is working in your life and what isn’t, honoring both the practical and the mystical.
Because of my work, when diving into the mystical and the psyche, I am often in a support role and receiving wisdom for others. I also have a full family life and seeming life difficulties I could not seem to unwind on my own before Shonagh. While I could hold it intellectually, my retreat with Shonagh brought a much deeper realization of just how important it is to have time for just myself. I came back feeling so clear and fully myself for the first time in a while.
Shonagh was able to hold space for me when many others couldn’t. I am deeply grateful for the gift of her being, her container and her support. I will be going back for much needed regular self care. Thank you Shonagh!
Arlen P., Massachusetts
Dearest Shonagh,
You have held the space for me to touch my true heart. I am changed, shifted into true light, the sacredness of my own soul. You are such a gift, a treasure and just remarkable. I am forever grateful for this birthing. I have landed on the beach on my feet. I am a little weary but standing, finally standing on my own. I love you dearly!
Maeve L., Ireland
I learned about Shonagh’s work after experiencing a very challenging mushroom journey I took with a group of friends. The journey took me to childhood trauma that I had dealt with only superficially. I began searching for someone who was familiar with the mushroom experience and could help me make sense out of what happened to me in my childhood. I found an interview with Shonagh and in listening to her I felt a connection and I knew she would be the one who could help me. My retreat experience with her was truly life-changing. I am afraid to be vulnerable but with Shonagh’s kindness and motherly manner I felt no judgment and I was able to let go of the armor I covered myself in for the better part of my life. I just knew I could trust her. She helped me to see my past in a whole different way, in a way that was instructional and essential to the life I live today.
It was like visiting a magical wise woman who takes you into her world and teaches you things you didn’t know were available. I learned so so much. In my journeys with her I felt safe and cradled by this woman who never left my side, who held my hand, who softly and gently helped me see what I needed to see, and face what I needed to face and find my way to reconciliation and inner peace, something I have struggled my whole life to attain. I was nurtured in a way I have never experienced and I am stronger for it today. To say simply that I recommend Shonagh with my whole heart somehow doesn’t say enough about what is possible in her care. She is one of a kind.
Allie M. , Maryland
Dear Shonagh,
Thank you again for being the catalyst I needed to find my way back to myself. Your deep wisdom and your ability to see into the depths of my soul and hold that space for me with such tenderness and compassion . . . I let go of so much in your care, Shonagh. This is the most important thing I have ever done for myself and I am just awed by your capacity to do this work with such integrity. You are the real deal and I am so glad I found my way to you. I trust life again. You helped me do that. Thank you isn’t enough, I am forever grateful.
Anja J., Maryland
Dear Shonagh,
Thank you for getting through to “Michael” more profoundly than any of us could. Thank you for agreeing to try! Michael returned a much calmer version of the young man I love dearly and who has truly been suffering tremendously for months. Thank you for the message of personal responsibility you instilled within him. I hope Michael will remain close with you!
Silvia G., Florida
Thank you for the most amazing work I have ever done on myself! I couldn’t have done it without you!
Dan T., California
Shonagh, I can’t thank you enough for restoring my mental health! For the first time in a long time I’m looking forward to the future! I have learned more about my self in the five days with you than I have in my whole lifetime!! I am also excited to continue learning whatever the Ancient Ones want to reveal to me!
Give your sweet kitties a hug from me!
Lauren, Minnesota
Dear Shonagh,
Once more I’m at a loss for the right words to express my gratitude for you! My time in your magical faerie cottage was not of this realm and has truly brought forth deep and lasting changes for me. Thank you so much for being such a warm and generous teacher/healer. Thank you for sharing your spirit teachers and their wealth of wisdom. I know that I will be back to work with you again.
Ina Mae, Saugerties, NY
Dear Shonagh,
What to say? You’ve helped me birth a new chapter! I feel as if I’ve come home to myself, my continued journey, and home at the forefront of another adventure. I will cherish the memory of our time together , which will remain an important part of my life for a long time to come. You have shown me something that was missing and for that I am deeply grateful. You nurtured and nourished me both inside and out and I will be incorporating the insights from the journeys and our incredible “delvings” (as you call them) for some time to come. Shonagh, you are a gem – the real deal! May you continue to heal and awaken and nurture so many others for years to come.
Melinda, R. Nashville, TN
My time with Shonagh was a true rite of passage. I went to Vermont stuck in feedback loops of repeating patterns from my childhood and wounds and emerged with the wisdom keys of my freedom. During the retreat, each of these patterns revealed themselves and with Shonagh’s expert and graceful ability to unpack the deep psyche, we broke them down. The act of SEEING paired with pure healing intentions catalyzed a total decomposition of what’s been keeping me stuck and revealed to me the inner tools and wisdom that guide me forward with peace and grace. I feel reconnected to my true nature, true power, and divine sovereignty. Thank you, Shonagh! I will be back! PS. There’s good soup 😉
Andrea M., Fairfield, CT
It would be hard to overstate just how much working with Shonagh has changed my life. In fact, I think it has probably saved my life. I first arrived on Shonagh’s doorstep in a state of near constant despair. My decades-long battle with depression and post-traumatic stress had been steadily eroding my quality of life to the point where it had put even the things i held most dear – my marriage, my livelihood, my relationships with cherished friends – at serious risk. I felt completely stalled, unable to let go of upsetting aspects of my past, and unable to step forward into anything that looked like a hopeful future. I hated myself – and worse, I hated myself for hating myself. Years of therapy, self-help, and pharmaceutical medications hadn’t made a meaningful difference. Seeking out Shonagh’s help seemed like a last resort.
From the first moment that I met her, I understood that Shonagh was unlike any other healer or practitioner I had ever encountered. My anxiety and trepidation seemed to dissolve in her generous, caring, and wise presence. Every day that I spent with her, I felt her single-minded, compassionate focus on helping me turn a corner, mentally, emotionally and physically.
My week with her was at times extremely challenging. But having her guide me through my dark internal places made them cathartic rather than just distressing. Not only did she help me navigate through to the other side of the darkness, she helped me understand the deep significance of the experiences of the past. And she helped me process that newly found understanding so that I could incorporate what I’d learned into my everyday life. I have since used this knowledge to make better choices – and open new doors for myself.
I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to adequately express my gratitude and deep respect for Shonagh She is a profoundly intuitive and wise healer, an extraordinary source of kindness and understanding, and – in my case, and I’m sure in many others, a lifesaver.
Shelly S., CT
This is my second retreat with Shonagh and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to continue to work with her. My first retreat was a deep healing and the first time I really looked at the wounds from my childhood and the loss of my mother. After the first retreat, I felt a huge weight had been lifted and my life flowed without resistance. The plans we discussed came together bringing greater clarity, success and positive momentum. By my second retreat, almost a year later, I was ready to pause and examine the direction things were heading. A week to pause, evaluate, discuss and plan. A reset on my health, my career and my personal life; an opportunity to do deep spiritual work that often goes untended in the busyness of daily life. A very much needed spiritual and physical reset. The healing food, rest and beautiful surrounding nature restored my vitality. The spiritual work reminded me of the beauty in this world and within myself and my unique purpose. An unblocking to enable my life to flow with ease and abundance. A reminder of the magic that exists in this world, all around us and within us. I left Shonagh with clear vision for the next 5 and even 10 years. I know I will come back to spend time on her beautiful land, soak up her wisdom, and to touch the magic realms once again.
Uma L., D.C.
Lovely Shonagh,
I cannot thank you enough for sharing your gifts, your wisdom, your kindness and your beautiful home with me. I’m so grateful for your guidance through this scary and trying time in my life. You were most definitely sent to me as a very special blessing. I look forward to making progress on my life’s journey. I will miss your beautiful, kind smile, your amazing cooking, your daily reassurance, and your sweet cats. Looking forward to our session!
Anna K., Minnesota
When I arrived for my retreat I was greeted as if I was an old friend. I was given a tour of her beautiful cottage and property, and a cup of tea was offered with conversation that touched many topics.
Shonagh has a wide variety of modalities to draw from and a deeply intuitive sensitivity that will begin to deconstruct the obstacles that are standing in the way of your true self-expression. Whether these obstacles are the applied cultural standards, childhood or intergenerational trauma, depression, anxiety…all of this with a genuine, loving and compassionate desire to have her clients recognize and reclaim their power and align that power with personal responsibility, reestablishing one’s original moral imperative.
Shonagh witnesses in neutrality, holding space with love and acceptance without judgment, or as a corrective prescription, allowing you to see yourself, maybe for the first time as NOT broken.
I have spent approximately 10 years reading books, listening to podcasts, going to seminars and gathering information as it appears. Working with Shonagh has provided a quantum leap forward in personal progress. When I feel that I have personally integrated this retreat process I will return for another.
James C., New York
Dear Shonagh,
Thank you so very much for creating such a profound and healing experience for me! I enjoyed every minute in your beautiful home! I feel so fortunate that all those synchronicites aligned to bring us together and I know that what needs to be done was done. My time with you reinforced what I already knew to be true and allowed it to sink in deeper and in a new way. I feel my trust in my intuition has grown and that it will continue to do so. AND something big clearly shifted because yesterday I was able to cry and be vulnerable in front of a friend, which has been a block for a long time. Wow! Thank you for your nurturing presence and for imparting so much wisdom. This experience will be with me for a long time to come.
Ellen F. Maine
Dear Shonagh,
Over fifty years of active psycho-spiritual work led me to your doorstep where I discovered that I was only beginning my journey. Your wisdom and love embraced me warmly as I took the first step.
I feel tremendous gratitude for the time we spent together and I am awestruck by what you have created. Thank you for your hospitality and support during my stay.
I realized after doing the work that I no longer feel the deep dark loneliness I have felt throughout my life. There is a tangible change in my being.
There is a wonderful road ahead of me and I am blessed to have you with me on this journey.
Jackson S., NY
Dear Shonagh,
I just wanted you to know how appreciative I am for what you have done for my son. As soon as I heard his voice I knew he had fundamentally changed. He is such a beautiful soul and we love him so very much. He needed someone who could give him the space, guide him inward and help him face his pain…and begin the healing. You have done all this! He speaks of you with such respect, kindness and reverence. While we have never met nor spoken…I feel I have known you a very long time! There are no words I can say that would ever express to you how important this was for him…and what this means for my wife and I. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing Ethan to begin the healing and see the greatness within. This has truly been a life-altering week for him…and me. God Bless You!
Thomas C., CT
Shonagh is a rare gem. She is more than a medicine woman. She is steeped in the magical language of the deep psyche and can help translate the hidden messages your mind sends you 24/7, helping you decipher your own true self. Her method is gentle. She follows the flow of intuition. She uses tarot. She interprets dreams. She draws from astrology. She nourishes your mind and body with delicious food and is a fountain of information. You are never judged and her compassion is healing. But do not go to her if you just want a map to the exit door of your personal pain and suffering. “The way out is through”, she says. She is your guide. You must be brave and walk the walk. I am so thankful for my own bravery, my decision to spend a week in retreat with her. I faced the boogiemen that have forever kept me afraid and held me back in my life. I rediscovered mirth, the simple joys children know best. I have regained my birthright of inner peace and clarity of purpose. If you feel it is your time to wake up then be brave and reach out to this amazing person.
Roger S., CA
Dear Shonagh,
Words cannot capture the depth of gratitude I have for you, for the incredible life-changing week I have had, and for all that will come as a result. You are a guiding light and you have been the greatest gift of this past year for me.
Andrea R., Wyoming
The choice to have a retreat with Shonagh was one of the most significant ones I have ever made. I know now that it was my soul calling me home. My time in deep counsel with her literally changed my life. I left her home an entirely different person than I was before. I am clear, aware and awake in ways I have no doubt will continue to expand and take shape for the rest of my time on earth. My life is once again my own.
Shonagh’s generosity, coupled with her time, knowledge and skill is second to none. She is an incredible teacher who shares from a true place of embodiment, she very much walks her talk. This inspires the trust necessary for a successful rebirth. Hungers I didn’t even know I had were fed and satiated by her intuition and compassion, supported well by a solid foundation of vibrant, delicious nutrition by way of her excellent cooking.
I can speak no small amount of praise for the work she is pioneering. It is so needed and valuable beyond measure. If you are considering a retreat with her I cannot recommend enough that you follow even the quietest yes in your heart, then prepare to be delightfully surprised, most of all by yourself!
Siobhan L., New Hampshire
You are very fortunate should you find yourself attending Shonagh’s retreat. It was synchronicity that connected the two of us. Looking back, I believe forces were at play even before I met her. I came to Shonagh to continue the conversation of some previous shadow work I did elsewhere. What I found was a dream-like atmosphere on Isle La Motte with a gifted healer who could help me reach the next plateau of awareness. It’s been several weeks since my retreat and I continue to take in the expanding vista of new understandings. I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin. Her compassion and passion for this work felt like the foundation from which emerged her ample tools, skills and expertise to help me engage in these deep processes. Memories of her fairy cottage conjure up a palate of pleasing sage, homemade ginger soda, delicious healthy food, cozy sleep embraced in paisley periwinkle. There were contemplative walks alongside cedars and maples. Kind neighbors offered armfuls of early fall squash, apples and chard. The sunlight that danced on Lake Champlain and a King Fisher’s plunge broke the silence of stillness. Shonagh’s retreat is like entering a living mystical poem and returning home anew. You will never find another experience like this one.
Taylor S., Vermont
My week with Shonagh changed the course of my life 100%. I was able to discover things about myself I was truly unaware of and delve into parts of myself unknown. Insight gained from both Shonagh and Diana’s readings helped me with difficult decisions and served as a blueprint for a huge life change I was about to begin, and prepared me for the better. I was able to draw from this information and improve my life tremendously. And not only did it change my life – the experience itself was very healing and cathartic. If you are contemplating this you should definitely take the plunge.
Anita B., South Carolina
My time with Shonagh was truly priceless. I was warmly welcomed into her fairy cottage, nurtured by her bright spirit and showered in care with nourishing food, daily walks and deep conversation. She has definitely found her slice of heaven on Isle La Motte and it only adds to the experience of transformation that happens in her care. The work we did together was potent and allowed me to see myself and the world around me in a very different way. My perspective is forever shifted and I already can’t wait to come back! If you have found Shonagh, do yourself a favor and book time with her. You will not be disappointed.
Eleanor J., San Francisco
I did not know what to expect going into work with Shonagh. I knew I had some deep blockages that I had to work on because they were holding me back from seeing my true self and moving forward with my life. I have worked with a number of spiritual teachers, traditional therapists, and used different healing modalities for many years of my life. It was within a very short time that Shonagh pointed out my biggest obstacle and gave me tools to use to move through the challenge of disconnecting from a very unhealthy life-long relationship. The amount of care that Shonagh brings to the table surpasses what I am used to. She is available in a way that so few people are. She helped me to see who I am and my potential in this life. I am forever grateful for all of the gifts that Shonagh has to offer. She kept me very well fed and was so receptive and nurturing. Her space is comfortable and warming. Be prepared to go deep, leaving no stone unturned. I am looking forward to putting all of the lessons I learned with Shonagh into play in my life and watching myself and my family blossom and thrive. True magic in the making through old, old values. When I think of my experience, love and deep gratitude fills my heart for this deep work that Shonagh so expertly held space for. For those feeling the call to do some much needed work on themselves , I highly recommend Shonagh’s unique skill set.
Janine F., Oregon
I’ve always been intensely skeptical of most people who claim to be space-holders for this deep inner work. In desperation for feeling stuck in a chapter of life, I asked for a guide I could align with and Shonagh came into my realm. I surrendered and felt utterly held by her vast capability to walk in this and the otherworld. She exudes such a rare and potent balance of intellect and intuition that weaves a masterful tapestry.
Shonagh puts on no facade, welcoming you right into the magic and warmth of her home with raw transparency, fluently sharing personal stories of success, folly and struggle. She is perpetually a student and teacher of life and carries a deep mythos grown from a seed of surrender to many a death and rebirth. She holds such a vast and honed wealth of story, connection and intuition, that allows her to see deeply into the eyes and words of another, to help them reconnect to self and spirit.
Since our week together I have been able to break habits and cease putting energy into things that don’t serve me. I see a vaster story and trust more in the mystery of each moment. This has entailed a grieving process for all that I am letting go of to make room for more true movement. Ease and serendipity have flowed into my life again as I melt into a more fluid state with the tools to tell a new story. I even stopped drinking coffe, which had become an addiction. I feel realigned and ignited in this world and beyond after a lackluster lull and I am so grateful for the rich gifts of Shonagh’s time, talents and tender hospitality.
Connie L., Washington
It has been 2 months since I landed in Shonagh’s impeccable and loving care for my private retreat. It is with GREAT reverence and enthusiasm that I report that the profundity of my experience has not dimmed over time- but has so exquisitely assimilated and integrated into my life with extraordinary power and positive influence…much the way a big pot of nutritious vegetable/bone broth becomes SO much better over time as you let the magic gently simmer! It is, like most profound experiences, challenging to put the experience of Shonagh’s retreats into words that can properly translate the power of her offerings. She is a strong, intelligent, highly eloquent, deeply learned, charming, beautiful, hilarious, creative, deeply compassionate and nurturing Fairy Godmother of the Highest Order with a sharp and grounded sensibility.
The one-on-one immersive retreat model is both highly unique and much needed in these modern times. There are of course countless beautiful group healing/retreat offerings available all over the world, and amidst these incredible opportunities to commune and explore our experiences together- THIS opportunity- to have an intensive retreat lovingly devoted to your own unique journey is, honestly, on an easily distinguishable NEXT LEVEL. This deep dive into your own process with the guidance, wisdom and loving support of such a beautiful teacher as Shonagh is a powerful and beautiful gift to give yourself as you journey along your own wildly unique path.
I am a firm believer in the value and all-out importance of nurturance, nourishment and time in nature as being vital aspects of deep internal healing and development. These are pillars of Shonagh’s retreats and harmonize & alchemize to become a perfectly supportive foundation for having a deep experience in an energetic and physical space that is woven with kindness, compassion and ancient wisdom.
With a deep bow: thank you, thank you, thank you and YAY for everyone who gets to have their own retreat!!! Love to all.
Mary M., CA
A good midwife holds and protects the space where and when a person goes into deep transition. She only intervenes for safety as she has an intrinsic sense of respect for the natural, instinctive birth process. And this work that is done at Shonagh’s retreats is birthing, nothing less. Shonagh is an excellent midwife for the deep soul work some of us choose to do. Birth is made safer and less frightening with a knowledgeable and compassionate midwife near. Of course one can give birth on their own , your choice, but Shonagh only supports and nourishes and gives excellent food and good humor and the best hospitality so you can do this work and claim it as your own. This is my second retreat, a year apart, yes I came back for more. If you are called to this work, be kind to yourself and go with one-on-one support.
Haley R., WA
I honestly was not sure what to expect from my time with Shonagh. I have worked with a therapist for over five years – so I was prepared to do work – but I was blown away by how profound and efficient my progress with Shonagh was in just five days. Working with her, I was able to heal ancient wounds and become honest with myself about this lifetime and how I want to live it. I arrived at her home Sunday evening still feeling girlish – fearful, confused, guilt-ridden – and left a woman, owning my self and stepping into my authority. I could not have done this hard work without Shonagh’s tender care and guidance. Between the delicious nourishing food, the enlivening nature walks, and deep (much needed) rest, she ensured my body and mind were up to the task of coming into my fullest self during our time together. I cannot recommend her strongly enough. If you are in a place of seeking, and not afraid to face yourself, working with Shonagh will leave you satisfied beyond your wildest dreams. Sonagh is truly gifted at the work she does. If you are ready to receive, your time with her will be deeply heartfelt and invaluable.
Rachel S., Seattle, WA
When I first sought out to meet Shonagh Home, I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into. I heard her first speaking on a podcast, and I knew I had to meet her. I had been living in a lot of pain, childhood traumas, self induced traumas, and a horrible divorce that left me in shambles. I didn’t know how to pull myself out. I was stuck in a helpless cycle. I was ready though, to dive deep and excavate, I just didn’t have the tools. I had tried everything from counseling, to western medicine, exercise, daily marijuana use, but nothing seemed to heal my wounds. When I first arrived in Shonagh’s home, she greeted me with the warmest welcome and invited both myself and my boyfriend in for tea and we instantly connected. I knew right away, that the universe made no mistake in bringing this woman into my life. I arrived in such an anxious state, but immediately she gave me such nourishment, from delicious meals, homemade kefir, kombucha and sourdough bread (and the most delicious sourdough pancakes), wonder forest walks, all the way to late night talks. I never once felt judgment, only compassion and understanding. She broke me wide open. This was absolutely magical. She helped awaken my passions in life, and I left with the courage to face everything in front of me. I wasn’t the helpless little girl anymore, but the wise woman, who knew deep in her soul who she was. I can’t even explain the inner alchemy that I went through on my journeys with Shonagh, it was so powerful. She held such a safe space for me and was able to make sense of so many things. She ended the week by taking me to this wonderful oracle, who blew my mind. Cherry on top. Shonagh will always be my teacher, I cannot wait to see her again, and I know I have made a lifelong friend and sister. My sweet owl sister. If you really want to heal, and want to do the work, and you are already feeling called, then you must find a way to reach this woman! She also gave me so many parting gifts, a couple being kefir and sourdough starts. I walked away ending my 15 year relationship with Marijuana, better relationships with my daughter and my family, and a true sense of purpose on this planet. My life will never be the same. If you really want to heal, and are already feeling called, then you must find a way to reach this woman! Thank you from the depths of my soul!
Shannon .M., Washington
Dear Shonagh,
I greet you on a new day, tears welling in my human eyes for the great fortune it is to now know and be so intimately known by you. The world is a very different place outside the magical protection of your fairy cottage in the snow. I was immediately given so many opportunities to practice! Ha!
The matrix of dark trances and spells wastes no time in recognizing someone who has been secretly busy as a bee breaking free of its weak but insidious grip while embraced in a blanket of Earth Mother’s making. It was a little jealous.
It no longer has any authority to sow fear or guilt in my heart. I remain enveloped in white light, my heart open wide to beauty, gratitude and awe.
I am. Grace, that I am. Love and blessings abound. They can’t touch This, no matter how desperate they become to pull me back in. My anchor in this realm is much too large and powerful now to allow it.
I send you the divine presence and blessing of the Beloved’s Grace this morning and always. May you be touched by her in all ways and forever more.
To work now to share these mystical gifts with the world.
In thanks,
Mark S., Ph.D., WA
As White Owl Woman, Shonagh facilitates opportunities to see through the dark so you can awaken to your own medicine. My soul has expanded so much through experiencing hidden aspects of myself, that it is impossible for me to go back to the same person I was when I arrived. Shonagh is an inspiring embodiment of the Divine Feminine rising in her sovereignty, and she graciously shares with you all her wisdom and gives her full presence to you so you too may walk your path and shine (or in my case) find your light. Through our time together we have been down to the depths of my emotions, weeded through the debris and cleaned house on attachments that kept me from fully expressing my creativity. Through helping me to understand uncomfortable lessons, I gained clarity, broke old patterns, released the old and made space for the new. I learned to know myself through her mirroring. As she took me to the airport, the medicine of the week still flowing strongly and steadily through my veins, I was reminded that in order to land Home I must first take off. This is what coming home to Shonagh does – it provides the runway, the fuel and the map so you can reach your highest potential. Like the wings of the owl whose medicine she carries, the layers of her teachings bring so much depth that will translate your encoded life path into tangible action plans.
Courtney D., Chicago, IL
Hi Shonagh.
Happy New Year! I’m doing well. Since leaving your place I have a renewed sense of peace, confidence and enthusiasm for life. It has faded over time and the depression has returned occasionally but I am more optimistic I will pull out of this. Of course, sticking to the plan in all areas of my life around food, exercise and who I surround myself with will be important. I plan to continue to explore my inner self with the help of others like you and I’m currently exploring my options. Thank you for changing my life!
Jason F., Washington
Dear Shonagh,
I am incredibly grateful for you and the beings over the last few days. You have taught me a great deal about energy sensitivity, good food, and the matrix we currently inhabit, and you have given me the confidence to continue exploring and developing my toolkit. I could not have hoped for a better foundation from which to grow. Thank you for all the love you have given me. I know this is just the first of many interactions to come. Farewell for now, I will send you my blessings. May the spirits guide you always,
With love,
Anita L., Texas
Dear Shonagh,
John and I have been sharing a magical time together. So, so much shared . . . We are both reevaluating the way we live. We are both changing our life plans. We are both revealing ourselves and asking for help. We are riding a magical wave right now. Everything you and I discussed has been so incredibly helpful. Thank you so very much. I will write again to keep you posted on the little miracles that are surfacing. We are both very happy and light today along with a few tears. I’m so very glad we met, Shonagh, you are absolutely remarkable. You’ve helped me so much, I will never forget our time together. It’s a touchstone for me and will continue to be one for a long, long time.
Love you,
Caitlin, Issaqua, WA
Where to even begin? I can not thank you enough for that amazing retreat. Wow, I feel such a shift. Your nurturing and sharing was so helpful and so necessary for my healing and your fire and insight has activated me in a way that I have longed for, for some time. The practical steps you encouraged me to make are proving to be very useful and providing so much momentum. I will say that I surely wish I was having breakfast with you this day because there is already so much to share!
Erika, C., Texas
Thank you, Shonagh, for being the best guide and companion for this adventure, this amazing soul journey. I am very grateful I followed the suggestion of a former client of yours. I am also grateful to myself for having the courage to open up and work in non-linear and new ways. I am very glad that I trusted you with myself. I couldn’t have been in better hands to work in this way. I appreciate immensely this opportunity to explore different places within myself and I now recognize and appreciate myself in a new light. This journey helped me to deepen my knowledge and acceptance of who I am. It has increased my gratitude and my ability to accept and acknowledge all the gifts I have, to be humble and to appreciate them. And finally, this has encouraged me to share them with respect and generosity.
~Connie A., L.M.H.C. New York
Dear Shonagh
Thank you for the profound retreat – the work continues to deepen in me – the tools I learned and the support I received from you et al were enormous and put me on a new path. The insights are lighting my path forward. “I once was blind but now I see.” Thank you! Thank you!
J. Walters, San Francisco
What a week, thank you so much for everything! That was a full blown religious experience, something very few people even get close to. You obviously know what you’re doing, and I was the right man for the mission.
Everything was perfect, I enjoyed this retreat so much, I’m sure I’ll be thinking about it and smiling for a long time.
Hopefully I can make it a yearly mission, maybe on the east coast next year. Please do keep in touch, I’ll shoot you an occasional email and book a Skype session down the road.
You are so fantastic!
Dave K., West Virginia
Dear Shonagh –
Thank you so much for such a beautiful, supportive, and healing 4 (plus)-day retreat. Your healing style is unique and such a gift to humanity. The one-on-one focus and dedication that you provided me was unlike anything that I have experienced before. Your words of wisdom, caring heart, and physical nurturance are so appreciated…your knowledge of what is going on in the world, the love that came through your healer’s heart, and the incredible care that you gave to my dietary needs.
You have been a role model for me in so many ways…trusting your path, dedication to purification, commitment to healing others as a life focus. You have so many gifts that you offered throughout our time together – reiki, soul retrieval, brisk nature walks, tarot, guided visualizations – thank you for saturating me with all of this.
Truly, the medicine that you connected me with was of such purity and light…so beautiful and supportive. I feel that I healed so much with you, and with this medicine, and in a much easier and more profound way than I have experienced in group settings. I am so grateful.
Thank you for introducing me to the very special realm of spiritual guides, protectors, and friends that you work with. Quite special. It is rare to find a European healer who has such a strong connection with their own ancestral healing sprits. For myself, also a woman of European ancestry, it is a blessing to be connected with these beautiful, loving spirits. Thank you for guiding the way!
Thank you for helping me to open and heal.
Katie L., Los Angeles
I am so grateful for having heard Shonagh on a podcast and for taking the leap to do her one-on-one retreat. I consider it one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. Shonagh immediately put me at ease and we jumped right into powerful conversations, speaking the same language in a way that made me feel deeply heard. Her delicious meals and our conversations nourished and grounded me, allowing me to go as deeply as I needed to go in the sessions. Shonagh’s gentle but strong guidance helped me process through old patterns to reconnect with a deeper sense of my own inner guidance. She offered a treasure trove of tools that have been essential in establishing a structure to support these new aspects of myself revealed during the sessions. How lucky I feel to have found an unexpected soul sister. Shonagh, her work, and the clients who seek her out, give me faith that we are on a path to healing. Thank you, Shonagh!
Mary H., Arkansas
I received this message on my phone from the wife of a recent retreat client: (names have been changed)
“Hey Shonagh, this is Louise Hoffman, Tom’s wife, and I wanted to contact you to say “thank you.” I’ve been thanking you from the bottom of my heart. Tom is back home and I have so much gratitude – from my core – for what you have facilitated . . .”
J.S., Missouri
“Wise friend, Owl woman, Sister on the Path,
Thank you for what you taught me and the skills and advice you shared with me, but more importantly, thank you—thank you—thank you, Shonagh, for helping me to remember what I was on the cusp of almost forgetting in this cacophony of noise and distraction, technology and flashing screens, big government and urbanization, parking lots where meadows once were, shopping malls where the rivers used to run, block by block cement cells poured over the ground we once called home. How long have we stood here blind as we were robbed of our land, and robbed of our voices?
Realizations have been coming to me slowly, like fruit ripening or flowers blooming, since our time together. I am remembering things of the old world and my place in it, the way a certain smell can trigger a poignant memory. I can feel myself waking up to the eternal, and being called back to my senses, back to my rationality, back into my physical body. You were the catalyst of this growth. Indeed it feels like meeting you was destiny. You showed me how to think for myself, how to stand rooted in the ground and not get swept up in all this (excuse me) complete and utter bullshit of modern society that is wrecking this planet and robbing us of our true identity.
Working with you showed me that I wasn’t crazy all along, and I haven’t been alone on this path. I already want to visit you again, Shonagh, but I know that I have to wait some time and start building the foundation of my own life. I hope we can be friends for a long time and continue to work together as you find yourself here on the East Coast, in beautiful, wild, Nova Scotia.”
Hunter L., Boston, MA
“What might bring comfort to a traveler weary from a long road? A welcoming smile and offer of shelter certainly are always warming. It follows that after a pause for acclimation and a solid breath, refreshment may further be accomplished through the sharing of real foods, drink and insightful conversation; all deeply nourishing. Often by merely sharing words and bringing Love to bear through highest intention and well-applied attention, great restoration and uplifting can emerge. Healing even. For many, this will offer sufficient rejuvenation to allow further meaningful travel and thus advancement down our many varied paths.
For others who may arrive having borne a seemingly greater burden over much distance, or find themselves otherwise ready for significant shifts, a more thorough retreat into specialized care may be indicated. I can only say that for myself, a short week spent in the care of a true bearer of wisdom such as Shonagh Home (and her fine team) eclipses all the countless hours of “work” done via other means; mostly “think” and far less “do”. Of course these efforts were essential to prepare for the true “work” that is at hand, but when the time arrives to “do” on another level, it is truly a blessing to be led to such a remarkable teacher. Know, too, that this is not at all “passive” work; meaning that one gets back what one brings forth (and likely some unexpected surprises too that you had hiding from yourself), and the clarity of one’s intention should be carefully addressed. Please, however, also rest assured that if you endeavor to dig deeper into your own mystery here, you will be carefully and skillfully tended and with the greatest degree of respect and honesty imaginable. I am forever changed and forever grateful for the work we have done so far. Thank you, Shonagh. Thank you, Sister!”
Chris J, MI
Hi Shonagh.
I have been meaning to write and say THANK YOU again for a truly profound transformational experience. As I mentioned while we were together, I was amazed at your capacity to hold space for my healing for such a long period of time and to so generously accommodate so many of my needs – delicious food, bottomless fermented beverages, clearing, rest, and the impromptu message was the cherry on top! Thank you! And I am deeply grateful for the shift that the days with you have already made possible in my family and in my life!! Sherri and I have had a total shift in our relationship since my time with you on so many levels and in so many areas. I am clear that it is a result of your deep listening and guidance in partnership with the spirit teachers. The retreat was the catalyst I desperately needed just at the right time.
This experience has truly transformed my life and given me access to a world of joy and intimacy that I may not have otherwise been able to reach – THANK YOU!!!!!”
Luke W., Massachussets
“I originally was drawn to Shonagh’s work through a podcast and then her book “Love and Spirit Medicine”. As I was reading the book (which I could not put down and ultimately read more than once and have referred to many friends), I felt as though we were soul sisters. As we continued occasional contact over the many months in between my initial desire until the ultimate trip, I felt a connection that proved to be upon meeting. Shonagh is the real deal! She opened her home and her heart (and her kitchen and beautiful gardens) to me and I immediately felt at home and promptly took a nap! From the first minute to the last, my time with Shonagh will always be a treasure. I went to learn from her, about myself, and I can say for sure, Shonagh’s magic is exquisite. I discovered so much during our time together. The beauty of her spot, the late sunsets, those special, special cedar trees, the delicious, healthy food and the lush beauty all around all made for an unforgettable retreat. I can’t recommend Shonagh enough. Her Celtic roots, her wisdom and knowledge is extensive and eclectic. Conversation was sublime. I left the one-on-one retreat with a deeper knowing of myself, my abilities and direction moving forward as I figure out how I can best serve with my own gifts. “
H. Robinson, Massachussets
“Saying yes to a personal retreat with Shonagh was, hands down, one of the BEST decisions of my life! From the moment my girlfriend and I arrived, to the moment we said goodbye, we were showered with Shonagh’s attention, care, compassion, understanding, and unwavering love. Like the white owl she speaks of in Love and Spirit Medicine, Shonagh opened her beautiful wings and took us in—literally—welcoming us like family into her beautiful ‘gingerbread home’. Through unending acts of kindness—and love—we received a well needed respite from our Massachusetts City life. In this ‘container of love’ we were able to rest, rejuvenate, and in a safe, supported, and comforting way, deeply explore our growth edges, in a way I had not even known possible until arriving at Shonagh’s.
Shonagh is an exceptionally gifted healer and human being—and I feel especially blessed to have received the gift of her profound medicine. Shonagh truly embodies the essence of what it means to be a medicine woman—from the way she fed us with her A.M.A.Z.I.N.G ancient medicine food, to staying up late with us in the depths of heartfelt conversation, to unraveling and working with the deepest known—and unknown—reasons for our being on retreat with her, to the spontaneous outings and rituals…just to name a few…were all, quite simply, exceptional!
I’ve spent years attending workshops, retreats, and seminars and without a doubt this was the best. The caliber, quality, and potency of the work (if you could even call it that), we did with Shonagh, both exceeded and shattered any expectations I had. Shonagh is a true gem and a rare find in a world filled with charlatan healers. Truly, one of the most amazing woman I’ve met in my life. I feel like a changed man, because I am a changed man! Something quite mysterious and esoteric was activated in my heart and something quite significant has shifted within me—and it’s because of the template Shonagh imbibes into being—and demonstrates as possible—through the way she so lovingly holds a fertile space for the acorn of the soul to sprout!
I am forever grateful to Shonagh for masterfully facilitating the exact soulful evolution I desired to experience.
If you’re on the fence, considering a personal retreat, I warmly invite (and implore) you to reach out to Shonagh. Let her nourish your soul in ways you did not know you even needed!”
Ken F., Santa Barbara, CA
“As a model of medicinal excellence, Shonagh Home’s way of walking on the earth is true healing. Every ounce of her being is awakened, aware, and exuding divine love. My soul was deeply enriched by our time together, and my heart’s purpose expanded into the space she holds.
During the one-on-one retreat with my partner, we were greeted with an abundance of skills Shonagh shared to support us in our growth as healers. I felt the magnitude of her desire for us to expand in our work, sincerely, because she sees the integrity of what we are creating in the world. To have a teacher witness me in this way was totally inspirational! I am so energized to implement the skills and uphold the commitments I made to myself during the retreat.
I also experienced a radical transformation with my inner child, having to do with my voice, as well as a womb healing that has shifted my relationship to my entire body. I am truly honored to have received these potent parts of myself in realignment.
Shonagh’s boundless care and attention to detail shows the extent someone can track another’s process. I am so grateful she caught any mindlessly spoken phrase, and challenged it in love as a way to reset patterns of thinking. What a gift! And the food and drinks she shared to nurture our bodies as our souls awakened – they were epic. In fact, go see her for the meals, but stay open to your life completely changing just by hanging out around her in the process!
Thank you, Shonagh, for a magically beautiful healing journey! I can’t wait to see you again.”
Aria E. , Santa Barbara, CA
“I am happy I found Shonagh and was able to continue my journey to becoming closer to the earth. I am a firm believer that nature is our teacher and, as she’s been around a lot longer than I have, she has a lot of information to share with me. Shonagh provided a safe and relaxed atmosphere to learn and communicate, and gave great tips on how to continue long after I left her home. Not only was she a gracious host, she was also a great tour guide. I have never seen a city so lush and verdant; I completely understand why people choose to make their home in the NW. I will certainly return and look forward to an even more amazing experience. Please note: I’m still trying to find bacon that’s better than what she served for breakfast. If, for no other reason, I may go back just for the bacon!”
~Ada S., Los Angeles, CA
“Dear Shonagh,
When I first heard you interviewed on the Future Primitive podcast, I was immediately struck by the way you seamlessly wove together the very esoteric with the practical. I felt the authenticity of your connection to a deeper reality, your grounded mastery in navigating the times we find ourselves in, and your great sincerity and devotion to your role as guide for others seeking freedom to bridge the dimensions in search of wisdom and healing. I knew by the end of the interview that I wanted to connect further and avail myself to your teachings. Initially I was seeking help for my grandmother who had passed away but was continually communicating spiritual distress, and for some patterns surfacing in my relationships that I felt ready to be free from. But upon arriving, I quickly came to see that beneath that, my own body, mind, and spirit where in a state of profound depletion and needing of deep nourishment. I am in awe of the mystery that even in such a state I was able to find my way to your door, to your forest classroom and your kitchen for soul renewal. I’m amazed by your energy level and the way you were able to so consistently shower me with nurturing wisdom, stews and broths and timely, precise insights, and how you work in concert with the plant, animal, and elemental kingdoms and beyond to bring the healing that I needed but have been challenged to find through other modalities. I feel I have forged my own deep connection to the medicines you carry and am so grateful to have the mentorship of a sincere sister further down the path in this life. Your ally-ship gives me courage and strength to move forward. I feel blessed to have found you, and I Iook forward to continuing to weave with you in the future!!”
~Many Thanks, Blessings, and Love,
Erin R. Los Angeles, CA
“My retreat experience with Shonagh was one of the most profound experiences of my life. Her meticulous attention to details that I shared – which I would have overlooked – created a level of awareness in my understanding of my life patterns that has changed the way I view the early events of my life. Our ceremony evenings were incredible and I felt absolute safety and love from her the whole time. Our discussions following the experiences were amazingly enlightening, as Shonagh reads symbol and metaphor like they’re a second language. She is incredibly gifted in her understanding of the esoteric nature of medicine journeys and dreams. I am still processing everything we covered, which was a vast amount for 4 days. I was also introduced to a way of eating that I had no familiarity with and I am now changing my entire approach to food so that it heals and maintains me rather than making me feel even worse about myself. I am a new person – a more integrated and grounded woman now than I was before this retreat. This has been the best investment I have made in myself and I have worked with numerous people over the years. For those who are serious in their commitment to heal and grow, I highly recommend working with Shonagh. She is the real deal and she’s worth her weight in gold!”
Maggie H., Portland, OR
“Dear Shonagh,
Thank-you again for opening to me your home, your healing and your magic. I knew this retreat was going to be life-changing and I can honestly say that I left your home forever changed. I am amazed by how quickly you can hone in on the crux of an experience and reveal the underlying cause and the hidden gems. You are astute without being condescending and you are compassionate without being indulgent. You possess just the right mix to deliver the “aha” that changes my whole perspective. Never have I felt so seen and so safe. You are the real deal Shonagh, and you’re exactly right – this experience is like 4 years of therapy in 4 days. You have given me exactly what I have been needing and I am forever grateful I found you.”
From the heart,
Rhoda L, Austin, TX
“I was in absolute bliss throughout my time spent with Shonagh, sitting by the fireplace in her beautiful fairy cottage, eating soul- nourishing meals and basking in her nurturing presence. I felt great comfort in that space as the discrepancies between how I felt and what I was conditioned to believe for so long were finally being tended to by a caring and wise medicine woman. My healing process was an interweaving of beautifully rich conversation, insightful readings into the deep psyche and the most profound shamanic journeys I’ve ever been on. These practices lead to great unveilings and multiple paradigm shifts, all of incredible depth and magnitude. Shonagh is the mentor that I had been seeking for a long time and I am forever grateful to her for empowering me to do the work I am destined for in this lifetime.”
Bita S., Seattle, WA
“Dear Shonagh,
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for one of the most profound three days of my life. I knew when I met you that I must take advantage of a personal retreat. You created a safe place for me to share my soul, heal my heart, and remember my ancient knowing. I not only felt I was your student, but that I was in the company of an old friend with the level of comfort that comes with that. You gave so much of yourself over the three days I spent with you and your teachings never stopped—rather they flowed continuously from the moment you picked me up from the airport, through our watery lessons in the rainforest where you introduced me to tree healers, during our mealtime chats in the magical home you arranged for me to stay, and during our sacred ceremony time where you stayed by my side. There was so much to take in and you truly helped to awaken a part of me that has been dormant for too long. You were exactly the medicine I needed to move toward my next step in this mysterious life. Thank you, Shonagh, for seeing me—the real me, and for abundantly sharing your spell breaking wisdom, your spirit-sent poetry, and your friendship. I am so happy to be part of your clan!”
With love,
Sally O., Fairfield, CT
“My retreat with Shonagh was a space out of ordinary time and a deeply nurturing experience, from the healing and nourishing foods that she prepared to the high magic that she wove. Within her safe circle I could travel deep into my own psyche and use the oracles for still deeper insight with Shonagh as my trusted guide. I spent four days with her and she was completely present to me in every moment. She is masterful at finding a little thread and pulling it ever so gently to find a treasure trove of hidden information. I’ve come home with a greater clarity. I’ve found a long lost voice and a wealth of resources to continue my transformation. Oh, and did I mention her poetry? Definitely from the deepest realms of nature and magic! I absolutely loved this experience! Thank you so so much.”
Nora S., Petaluma, CA
“Dear Shonagh,
Thank you for so graciously opening your heart to me during spiritual mentoring sessions in your lovely home, and while on personal retreat with you in the Living Cathedrals of the Quinault Rain Forest. Although I first sought your insights regarding the simple, speedy resolution of decades-old emotional baggage, the keen attentiveness of your one-on-one work has blown me away for its penetrating, transformative power. Bare-toed for the first time in soft, aromatic mosses at the base of cascading waterfalls and deeply benevolent old growth Douglas Firs, I am discovering such breathing spaces as The Antidote to a world fraught with unrelenting noise and joyless urgency. Your profound kindness, your patience in meeting every client at the very point of his or her need (on or off path), and your uncanny intuitive gifts are bringing me unexpectedly, deliciously, into communion with the deepest parts of my sensual, vital self. Thank you for teaching me exquisite “songs the body knows.” Thank you for the inspired teachings, cups of tea, and gourmet retreat meals that nourish both body and soul. Thank you for providing a loving, safe space for ceremony and rebirth, as well as the grace and confidence essential in Healing, and in remembering Wholeness.”
With love and gratitude,
~Laurie F., Bellingham, WA
“Dear Shonagh,
First, thank you so much for creating such a sacred and safe place to enter deeply into the womb of creation. Your words of
insight and discovery carried me into a journey of incredible self-discovery, moving me beyond my self-limitations and those limiting constructs that have kept me and and my life small. As I realized I had walked through a kind of life passage, I then experienced creation breathing life back into my cells, my body, my heart, my soul my life. I am excited to see where this journey continues to take me. The experience of such a sacred initiation was held by both you and the forest with such beauty, healing and wisdom. Eternal thanks.”
Sandra F., Livingston, MT
“My wife and I traveled from the east coast to attend Shonagh’s forest retreat where we experienced lush, moss-covered trees and quiet forest paths. Shonagh guided our time there with tremendous wisdom and insight, taking us into a much needed contemplative state where we could process and unfold. Her love and appreciation of the forest and its hidden spirit realms inducted us into what felt like a place out of time. The foods she prepared for us were delicious and her knowledge of traditional foods has inspired a shift in our whole approach to how we eat. This has inspired in us a serious desire to purchase land where we can grow our own food and create a place of healing for others. We are eternally grateful for everything she so generously gifted us and we recommend her retreats for anyone who is ready to change their lives in every way.”
Julian and Claire H, Camden, NJ
“I want to express my deep gratitude for my time spent with Shonagh in her magical “medicine cottage.” I came to learn from her and gain the courage to face and heal an old memory that has burdened me for far too long. Our four days together exceeded my expectations as Shonagh embodied the role of generous host and chef, teacher, healer and mentor. Her wisdom is exceptional and her observations were always relevant and astute. Her heartfelt connection to nature opened me to a more deeply connected place and I have returned home with a sense of belonging to the natural world in a way I’d never known before. I can now see my past from the eyes of wisdom rather than eyes of blame and shame. I was hoping for a rebirth and this is exactly how I feel moving forward in my life now. I cannot recommend this retreat enough and I am forever grateful for the gifts I have received. Life just took on a whole new meaning for me.”
Mary P., Portland, OR